The Origins of our Organic Chocolate

Learn about what makes our sugar free organic chocolate unique, from the ethical sourcing of the rare and exquisite Cacao
Nacional, the meticulous crafting process that preserves its rich flavors and health benefits, to the final product that offers a guilt-free indulgence.

Each piece of Sinless Treats chocolate is a testament to our commitment to health, quality, and ethical practices—a commitment that starts with the very source of our chocolate, the rare and revered Cacao Nacional. 

The Foundation of Exceptional Organic Chocolate

Yellow cacao pods on a tree


The ancient cacao now called Cacao Nacional was long thought extinct, but this Original DNA species of cacao trees was miraculously rediscovered in the rainforests of Ecuador around 2013. They were brought back from the brink of extinction by dedicated farmers who rely on artisan chocolatiers like us to support them in their efforts.

These special cacao beans are confirmed through DNA testing to be the same variety once cultivated by the Mayans over 5000 years ago, prized for their unmatched flavor and aromatic profile—making them the perfect foundation for the best organic chocolate.


Why does the source of our cacao matter to your chocolate experience? Not only does it affect the taste and flavor, it also can impact your health.

While 75% of global cacao comes from Africa, including Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Cameroon, these regions often rely on genetically modified crops and heavy pesticide use to combat fungal infections that can devastate the cacao fruit. Such measures often introduce dangerous contaminants like lead and cadmium into the chocolate produced from these beans.

Our partnership is with farms that embody a commitment to chemical-free cultivation and modern sustainable practices. Our founder, Beata, has experienced firsthand the diligent, timely efforts needed to harvest organic cacao fruit at its peak and avoid the fungus taking over—which can be a matter of hours. Although it comes at a premium, this approach protects the safety and integrity of the cacao.

Sourcing Chocolate With Integrity


Direct trade is a priority for Sinless Treats, meaning we work directly with cacao farmers without middlemen. By shortening the supply chain, we support the farmers’ livelihoods by ensuring they receive fair prices. This direct relationship also allows us to verify sustainable agricultural practices and guarantees that no child labor is ever involved in producing our chocolates. 

Farmer harvesting yellow cacao pod


Beata’s quest for the perfect cacao led her to farms that shared her values of organic, ethical, and sustainable farming. She was also looking for cacao beans that were rich in flavor and high in fiber. Building a relationship with a Costa Rican farm, she was able to experiment with the fermentation process, scientifically analyzing the ideal fermentation period that would provide the most micronutrients, phytochemicals, and amino acids. 

This amount of control and specialization is only possible when chocolatiers have direct relationships with the cacao farmers.


Beata continues to regularly visit our partner farms in Ecuador and Costa Rica which are crucial sources of our Cacao Nacional. Her hands-on approach ensures that our high standards of ethical practices and bean quality are consistently met. Through direct trade, we not only procure the finest organic cacao beans but also foster the well-being and development of the communities we work with.

Crafting Luxury Organic Chocolate


Our chocolate is crafted following ancient Aztec and Mayan chocolate-making techniques, emphasizing minimal processing to preserve the integrity and nutritional benefits of the whole cacao bean. We ferment our cacao beans in banana leaves from the South American rainforest to infuse the chocolate with fruity notes and plant nutraceuticals, then refine and conch the perfectly fermented and roasted cocoa beans using a melanger to ensure every solid particle is coated with cacao butter. This meticulous process guarantees a chocolate experience that is not only rich in healthful nutrients but also unparalleled in delicious taste, flavor, and texture.

Traditional chocolates are laden with refined sugars, artificial flavors, emulsifiers, and preservatives. Even most sugar-free chocolates on the market often have a longer list of unidentifiable ingredients and artificial sweeteners that may do more harm than good.

We instead use natural sweeteners used in ancient chocolate making like whole plant stevia and chicory root fiber, and do not use any chemicals or artificial ingredients. Our flavors and colors are made with organic fruits, nuts, and spices. This commitment to wholesome and organic ingredients not only enriches the flavor profile but ensures a clean, transparent label, free from ultra-processed ingredients.

Our chocolates are carefully crafted to cater to a variety of dietary needs and preferences, including those with diabetes or follwing a low-carb or keto diet. Free from refined sugars, low in net carbs, and gluten-free, anyone can enjoy the pleasure of chocolate while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Mass-produced chocolates often compromise on quality by removing cacao butter and selling it for profit to the beauty and cosmetics industry, where it’s used as a popular moisturizing ingredient in skin creams, lotions, and lip balms.

This decision is crucial because cacao butter is a rich source of healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants that offer numerous health benefits. The extraction of cacao butter in conventional chocolates not only strips away these benefits but replaces them with harmful hydrogenated oils and emulsifiers.

Such processes result in a product lacking in nutrition and instead filled with unhealthy ingredients including trans fats, known to elevate bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase heart disease risk.

Cacao beans and cacao butter in wooden bowls

Our chocolate retains all of these health-promoting properties of cacao butter:

  • Oleic Acid: This monounsaturated fat lowers levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and boosts levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, contributing to heart health and mitigating heart disease risks. It also plays a role in reducing blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Stearic Acid: Unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid does not raise bad (LDL) cholesterol, and is converted into heart-healthy oleic acid in the liver.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Essential for heart and brain health, these polyunsaturated fats reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis.
  • Vitamin K: Plays a critical role in bone health and blood clotting, supporting the body's natural healing processes.
  • Vitamin E: An antioxidant essential for protecting cells from oxidative stress, supporting skin, blood, and brain health.
  • Polyphenols: These potent antioxidants shield the body from oxidative stress, potentially reducing the risk of diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. They alleviate inflammation, support heart health, enhance blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and help manage blood sugar levels.
  • Flavonoids: These mood-enhancing polyphenols are known for their "feel-good" effects, boosting serotonin and endorphin levels; but they also protect brain health, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.

At Sinless Treats, we prioritize health and are committed to providing the highest quality chocolate by retaining this vital, antioxidant-rich and heart healthy ingredient in our organic chocolate.

Why Choose Our Organic Sugar-Free Chocolate


Our commitment to retaining cacao butter not only enriches our chocolate with health benefits but also ensures a creamy, indulgent texture unmatched by mass-produced alternatives. 

At Sinless Treats, our hands-on, bean-to-bar approach allows us complete control over every aspect of our organic chocolate production. Our passion for chocolate goes beyond taste—we're committed to delivering a chocolate experience that’s as honest and pure as it is luxurious. 

Free from artificial and harmful additives, subjected to minimal processing, and made with high-quality ingredients and natural sugar alternatives, our organic sugar-free chocolates are keto-friendly, diabetic-safe, and designed to fit seamlessly into a health-conscious lifestyle.


Cacao fruit cut open in farmer's hand
Authentic Origins

Crafted exclusively from Original DNA cacao beans sourced from ancient Cacao Nacional trees in Ecuador and Costa Rica, ensuring a unique, rich flavor profile.

Mindful Processing

Our adherence to ancient fermentation methods and minimal processing retains the full spectrum of aromas, flavors, and health properties, differentiating us even among the best organic chocolate brands.

Health in Every Bite

As an antioxidant powerhouse, our chocolate goes beyond mere taste to deliver a wealth of health benefits—combating oxidative stress and supporting heart, brain, and overall health.

Uncompromised Quality

Retaining the organic cacao butter chocolate ensures a rich, creamy experience with every bite, unlike mass-produced alternatives that must reconstitute the fats with unhealthy hydrogenated oils.

Constellation luxury chocolate gift box with 24 hand-painted sugar free chocolates and truffles
Heart-Friendly Formula

The natural compounds retained from the cacao directly support cardiovascular health, showcasing our commitment to producing heart-healthy organic chocolate that's as beneficial as it is delicious.

Health-Conscious Sweetening

Leveraging natural, plant-based sweeteners like whole plant stevia and chicory fiber, our chocolate satisfies sweet cravings without the health risks associated with high sugar content—making them also both keto and diabetic-friendly.

Eco-Conscious Craft

Our dedication to organic and sustainable farming practices not only reflects our environmental responsibility but also guarantees the highest purity and taste.

Elevated Mood

Naturally infused with mood-enhancing flavonoids, our chocolate offers a delicious path to happiness.

Join Us

Our chocolate's journey from the ancient Cacao Nacional trees to your hands is one of passion and commitment to quality and sustainability. Choosing Sinless Treats means indulging in the luxurious taste of organic sugar-free chocolate and contributing to a movement that supports ethical farming, environmental sustainability, and a healthier, happier world.

As you savor the rich, creamy texture and deep, complex flavors of our chocolate, know that you’re experiencing the best of both worlds: a product grounded in ancient traditions yet meticulously crafted for modern tastes and health-conscious living.

Experience the blend of indulgence and wellness that only Sinless Treats can offer. Join us in our mission to bring ethically sourced, health-conscious indulgence to chocolate lovers everywhere!